Technology Profile of The Month
Simple and Fast Allergen Tests - AgraQuant® Plus

The AgraQuant Plus is a ELISA food allergen testing kit suitable for use in commercial and on site food processing test laboratories. It offers an unbeatably simple and fast workflow from sample extraction to data analysis. 

Allergens that can be detected with this kit include egg, casein, peanut, hazelnut, macadamia and almond, all of which can be detected using a single food sample extract (Exception: egg). 

AgraQuant Plus is the fastest allergen ELISA test available on the market. Only two reagent steps are involved, addition of the extraction capsules to the homogenised food sample (followed by a hot water based extraction < 1 minute) and a 30-minute ELISA incubation. 

In addition to simplified protocol and fast processing times AgraQuant Plus demonstrates high specificity, reproducibility and very low detection limits (0.5 - 1 ppm of the allergenic food) in various food matrices. Unlike with some ELISA products available on the market, which use milk powder as extraction additive, the extraction capsules are 100% dust- and allergen-free, avoiding false-positive results. 

This ELISA product line for the analysis of food allergens has been developed by IFP (Institut für Produktqualität) in Germany.

Check out the technology offer on the Marketplace here:

Your local TRADEIT Hub Advisor is also available to support you If you want more information on this test. 

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Marketplace Business Case Study
Mühle Steinmeyer – How TRADEIT Helps Small Food Producers

The TRADEIT Marketplace is part of the overall service offered by the TRADEIT Network. 

Mühle Steinmeyer approached TRADEIT looking for new partners and opportunities to internationalise their business. Mühle Steinmeyer offers a broad range of products for the craft bakeries, including flours, shreds, baking mixes, ingredients and seeds. The products, as far as possible, are sourced locally (within the Brandenburg region) and are ideal core products for bakeries wishing to sustain their craft tradition. 

The company has considerable experience in innovative consumer-led product development. The company’s rye-spelt-shiitake- herb bread mix was recognised as Excellent in the 2014 Brandenburg Food Industry Innovation Awards. 

With their business offers detailed and listed on the Marketplace the TRADEIT Hub in Germany set out to help Mühle Steinmeyer to find the partners they needed. With interest from the Marketplace the Steinmeyer team were invited, along with Bakers from all over Europe, to participate in a TRADEIT SME Mission “Traditional Baking in Europe” event in Bragança, Portugal. Karin Steinmeyer presented their poduct offering there as part of the conference. Later, in the practical baking sessions, she was able to demonstrate the baking of top quality bread with her products and finished baking mixes. 

After the event Mühle Steinmeyer were invited to meet with one the biggest Portuguese milling companies, Moagem Ceres and a partnership is in negotiation.

To view their request on the Marketplace, click here:

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This Month's Most Vewed Profile
Insignia Smart Packaging

A range of sensing technologies that have been developed into labelling solutions for the food industry.

Based on their ability to detect changes in CO2 and temperature. This technology can be incorporated into colour-changing labels which indicate loss of freshness, temperature abuse or time from opening. These labels can for example:

  • indicate food freshness from package opening
  • confirm cold-chain integrity during shipping and distribution
  • detect changes in CO2 levels at any point in the value chain

We are currently working with major retailers, food service operators and food suppliers in the UK and US and would welcome the chance to work with food producers in Europe and afford them the opportunity to be early adopters of these exciting new technologies. 

To view this technology offer on the TRADEIT MArketplace, click here:

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