In this issue
Feature Article
Lesson 1: Learning from each other as well as from the experts
Lesson 2: Consider the benefits of linking to a major International event
Lesson 3: Keep it real and keep it relevant to the audience
Lesson 4: Use your networks
Lesson 5: Use Tours and Practical Demonstrations
Brokerage Events Review: Lessons from TRADEIT – Part I
Editor’s by-line
by Joan Lockyer
The act of brokerage is bringing together individuals with a common interest. This may be a problem to solve, a solution to offer or a different approach that needs to be tested or explored. The common threads have been technology and innovation.

Through brokerage we have aimed to create an opportunity to link a diverse range of stakeholders (SME, technology providers, researchers and innovators) from across Europe. These events provided unique opportunities for participants to gain insight into the value and impact of innovation support interventions.

Over the series of six events addressing sectoral and cross sectoral food processing challenges a model of best practice for the communication of innovation and technological advances SMEs in the dairy, meat and bakery sectors has been developed.

These two newsletters presented highlights and learnings as 10 recommendations for planning and executing effective brokerage events.
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