In this issue
Feature Article
Project Introduction
Recent Events
Kick Off Meeting
Latest News
Action Learning
TRADEIT Entrepreneurship Summer Academy
Traditional Food Producer
Case Study: Beal Organic Cheese

The first action of the TRADEIT Project was to establish the Knowledge and Technology transfer centers dedicated to the support of the traditional food producers (TRADEIT Hubs) and we now have nine operational Hubs in place. The TRADEIT Hub network will deliver a range of Technology Transfer Events and support that collectively will foster technology transfer via identification, showcasing and dissemination of available and emerging technologies, commercialisation of publically funded Research & Development and Innovation outputs, and stimulation of technological innovation through development of Traditional Food Producing (TFP) SME innovation collaborations.

The Hubs will host the knowledge transfer events delivering training and knowledge in topics key to the competiveness of traditional food producers such as food safety and quality, plant design, cost models, marketing, geographical labelling and product development.

Each Hub will form and host a TRADEIT sub-network, defined by region and language with an associated network of local and regional traditional food producers, linked to the relevant National national food and drink and policy organisations.
The nine hubs are illustrated on the map – who is your regional Hubs Advisor?

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