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Missioni per PMI - Un Hub TRADEIT vicino a voi
Successo sostenibile a Berlino
Trovare il tempo per il futuro...
Salumeria, accreditamento per la sicurezza alimentare, trend nel settore dei prodotti da forno, analisi del latte e infrastrutture basate sui social media
Altre Missioni in fase di sviluppo
Traditional Baking in Europe - Learning from Each Other
April 11th/12th 2016, Bragança, Portugal

Adding Specialness to the Artisan Baking, Power of Place & Heritage

Instituto Politécnico de Braganca & Pão de Gimonde Bakery, Bragança, Portugal, April 11th/12th 2016

At this unique event, the TRADEIT Network will bring together bakers from across Europe to participate in a hands-on workshop in the renowned bakery of Pão de Gimonde in Bragança, Portugal. Through a vibrant program of activities, participants will get the opportunity to learn about European traditional breads share experiences and insights on ingredients, baking methods and explore the role of innovation in the future the traditional and craft bakeries. Over the two-day event, bakers will bake, explore new market areas, investigate new ingredients, develop recipes and expand their bakery repertoire.

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